Ron Klowden's Birding Photos
Ron's bird photos taken in Ballantrae

"Our Dove Experience"
We have a Dove nesting in our covered entry

I'm making a photographic journal of the
entire experience from nest building to hatching
and hopefully more... Great fun!

Mourning Doves Mating

It all starts here!

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Momma sitting on her nest (7/21/15)
It took a pair of Doves about two days to
gather twigs and weave an amazing little nest.

Eggs in Nest (7/26/15)
That did not take long....

I found this partial shell discarded below the nest

We have a Hatchling, other egg still intact

If you look carefully, you can see the Dove
on the nest in the lower right corner of the
window above the doors.
This is how I get the photos!

Both Nestlings doing well -

It is getting crowded in the nest so..
I think I'll just sit outside


No wonder it's crowded...
These doves have almost outgrown the nest
and are developing feathers.


One of the baby Doves is being
nudged out of the nest


And... this morning there was only one!
I saw adult activity on the ground near the nest and
when I approached the adult dove made the
"wounded bird" act to draw me
away from the baby on the ground,
which I never saw... I hope it's OK...

This morning I looked out to our entryway sidewalk and...
there was Momma or Pappa Dove standing guard.

Look what I found, nestling in the base of a palm tree
right outside our dining room window...
the 1st dove that left the nest...
alive and well!

The other Baby is still in the nest, lookin' good!

This morning we are "Empty Nesters"

Same day at dusk,
I looked out of our front door
and both babies were now together


I sneaked outside and took this flash illuminated photo.
I'm going to have a hard time sleeping,
wondering if they will both be OK.


First thing this morning I looked for our babies..
There they were!

This one was #1 to leave the nest
and it still has a few pin-feathers.

And last, but not least, is the #2 to leave the nest.
This one is almostfully fledged and has
the markings of a larger bird...


We feel sad that this story may end now but
very happy to have had one last encounter.

We glanced out of the window a few moments ago
and both birds were being fed by an adult.

I went outside to get a beter photo and...
one of the Babies actually flew away!

Our little ones are all grown up!

But... they are still hanging around our
Entryway garden and I'm still
having fun shooting photos. I'm hoping to catch
one of the parents feeding them but..
They can both fly and are a bit skittish.

Home | | Fun Stuff | | Osprey nest moving | | Ballantrae Birds| |
| | Wakodahatchee Wetlands | | Charlotte Harbor area | | Merritt Island | |
Chicago Area | |
| | Birds of the Month | |

See available links below for other of Ron & Lynn's birding adventures

Ecuador-Amazon | | Ecuador-Andes-Highlands-Quito | |
| |
Ecuador-Galapagos | | Costa Rica | | Africa | |
U.S.Birding and more...
Ron's pages under construction


Website presented courtesy of
Ron Klowden, Ballantrae Resident, Realtor
click above for latest properties available and more...

Copyright 2015 All rights to content
reserved and may not be reproduced without permission.
Page last modified 6/29/15